​​​​​​​Avondale Intermediate Uniform

Avondale Intermediate School has always maintained a high standard of dress. Our students wear their uniform well and look smart.  All students are to wear their formal uniform to and from school.  Students are expected to change into their PE uniform at school and not wear it underneath their formal uniform.

Our uniform can be purchased from NZ Uniforms in Rata Street, New Lynn. They understand our students’ needs and their team are ready to assist you.

Check http://avondaleintermediate.nzuniforms.com/ for current price list, sizes or shop online.

The uniform is the same for boys and girls, with girls having the option of wearing the shorts or skort. Our uniform is to be worn without any extras ie. Jewellery (except small studs), makeup and nail polish. Students with shoulder length or longer hair need to have their hair tied back with a black hair tie.


Correct footwear is a constant issue.  Many retailers sell various shoes as ‘School Shoes’ but they are NOT school shoes. The correct school shoes for Avondale Intermediate School are plain, black, unlabelled leather lace–ups or black roman sandals. This does not include any canvas shoes. To avoid any confusion, use the photos to make your shoe purchase.